Meets Legal Requirements for Transition Assessment!
Testing Time: 15-30 minutes
Administration: Individual
The Transition Planning Inventory-Third Edition (TPI-3) provides 'school personnel with a systematic way to address critical transition planning areas that are mandated by the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004. It also accounts for individual student preferences, interests, strengths, and needs. Key information is gathered from students, parents, guardians, and school personnel through the use of core and specialized rating scales and open-ended questions. The TPI-3 can serve as the main vehicle for identifying transition needs or can complement existing procedures that are being used in a school district. In many cases, it can serve as a framework for acquiring more detailed assessment information. The most important outcomes are identifying transition preferences, interests, strengths, and needs, regardless of methodology; developing necessary plans; and acting on resultant goals. The TPI-3 has five key components, each of which is described below.
Administration and Resource Guide: This guide includes an overview of the instrument, detailed administrative procedures, guidelines for completing interests and preferences forms, guidelines for completing each of the core rating forms, suggestions for interpreting and using the results of the TPI-3, an elaborate case study showing how to move from assessment to planning and action, guidelines for using a new form designed for students with significant support needs, and suggestions for completing a functionally useful summary of performance. The guide also includes a detailed description of how the instrument was developed, and information about technical features.
Forms: The TPI-3 contains nine forms: Student Preferences and Interests Forms (Basic and Advanced); a Horne Preferences and Interests Form; Student, Horne, and School Rating Forms; a Profile and Further Assessment Recommendations Form; a Modified Form for Students With Autism or Other Significant Support Needs; and a Summary of Performance Exit Form.
Informal Assessments for Transition Planning Second Edition: This resource contains more 818 sub-competencies for the 57 TPI-3 items. The resource also contains 52 informal instruments (with directions on how to use the instrument) that are related to the 57 TPI-3 items. The purpose of the book is to provide a way to confirm transition preferences, interests, strengths, and needs to enhance transition planning.
Online Resources: The TPI-3 now includes online access to additional resources that are useful for transition planning. The resources are: optional scripts for administering the TPI-3; additional case studies; a reference guide for linking TPI-3 items to services in the community; selected translations of the Home Core Rating Form; item descriptions for the Home Core Rating Form; and item descriptions for the Home Interests and Preferences Form.
COMPLETE TPI-3 KIT INCLUDES: Administration and Resource Guide, Transition Instruction Guide, 25 Profile and Further Assessment Recommendations Forms, 25 School Rating Forms, 25'Home Rating Forms, 25 Student Rating Forms, 25 Preferences and Interests Forms-Basic, 25 Preferences and Interests Forms-Advanced, 25 Summary of Performance Exit Forms, 25 Modified Forms for Students With Autism or Other Significant Support Needs, and online access to reproducible PDFs, all in a sturdy storage box. (©2020)
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“All test users, regardless of level and profession, are expected to abide by the standards set forth by the APA, AERA and NCME regarding the ethical use, protection and dissemination of all test materials.
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