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A highly reliable and valid measure of spoken language in children ages 3 years 0 months through 7 years 11 months.
Testing Time: 15 to 45 minutes
Administration: Individual
Scoring: Manual or Online
Like the previous edition, the TELD-4 yields Receptive Language and Expressive Language subtest index scores, as well as a Spoken Language index score.
TELD-4’s psychometric qualities:
Demographics: The TELD-4 was standardized on a representative sample of 1,074 children representing 32 states and 292 different zip codes.
Reliability: Extensive studies of test reliability (coefficient alpha, test-retest, immediate and delayed alternate forms, and interscorer) support the use of the TELD-4 with individual students. Average coefficient alphas for the full normative sample range from .95 to .97 for subtests and the composite.
Validity: Content-description validity was established through careful selection of items, controlled vocabulary, construct review by a panel of language experts, conventional item analysis, as well as analysis of the test floors, ceilings, and item gradients, and differential item functioning. Criterion-prediction validity was established by (a) correlating TELD-4 standard scores with commercially available measures of reading ability (i.e., PLS-5, TACL-4, and TEXL), (b) comparing means and standard deviations between the TELD-4 and criterion tests, and (c) computing sensitivity, specificity, and ROC/AUC statistic. Construct-identification validity was established by studying (a) the relationship of the TELD-4 standardized scores with age, academic achievement, and intelligence; (b) the ability of the test’s standard scores to differentiate groups with known language problems from those without such problems; and (c) the factorial fit of the subtests to the construct in the test model (i.e., spoken language).
Limiting bias: The TELD-4 was examined using differential item functioning techniques. Further, a wide range of both mainstream and minority populations, including gender, racial, ethnic, linguistic, and disability categories, was included in the normative sample. Finally, reliability and validity information is provided for different mainstream and minority subgroups.
COMPLETE TELD-4 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual, Picture Book, 25 Examiner Record Booklets Form A, and 25 Examiner Record Booklets Form B, all in a sturdy storage box. (©2018)
User Qualifications:
To administer this test at least a master' s degree is required, with state licensure OR certification from a professional organization (ASHA, AOTA, APA, AERA, ACA, AMA, NASP, NAN, INS) that requires formal training and experience in ethics, psychometrics, statistics, and scoring and interpretation. Tests of perceptual, academic, and functional processes used in schools, clinics and rehabilitation settings are of this level. All test users, regardless of level and profession, are expected to abide by the standards set forth by the APA, AERA and NCME regarding the ethical use, protection and dissemination of all test materials. All orders for the products listed below, must be placed on official institutional purchase order forms or professional letterhead.
The purchase of this product requires a check of customer qualifications.
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Orders for items on this page cannot be completed online. Please attach completed qualifications form to your institutional purchase order or professional letterhead when ordering this product. For questions or help placing your order for these items call (800) 880-4433.
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