Steck-Vaughn Pre GED® Test Preparation series is a comprehensive program of skills, instruction, and practice designed to help GED® candidates develop the foundation needed to prepare for the GED® Test. Instruction is presented at manageable reading levels to ensure that students understand basic concepts and skills as they continue their preparation for taking the GED® Tests. Steck-Vaughn off ers two configurations for Pre GED® test preparation: four individual subject-area books or the all-in-one Pre GED® Complete Test Preparation book. Either option provides comprehensive practice of all four content areas and aligns with the 2014 GED® Tests.
Steck-Vaughn Pre GED® Test Preparation includes the following:
The Steck-Vaughn Pre GED® Test Preparation series is available for all four subject areas.
Mathematical Reasoning
Students will learn essential problem-solving strategies and foundational math skills. They will also receive complete instruction in how to use the online calculator that appears on the GED® test. The book thoroughly covers the key content areas on the GED® test:
Social Studies
Students will develop important reading and critical-thinking skills while also learning to integrate social studies content presented in different ways and to evaluate reasoning and evidence. The book guides learners through the key content areas on the GED® test:
Reasoning Through Language Arts
Students will read and analyze a variety of accessible fiction and nonfiction texts, use textual evidence to analyze texts in a written response, and reinforce their understanding of standard English grammar and usage by editing text passages. The book o ers complete instruction in the major skill sets required on the GED® test:
Students will learn and apply important science practices, such as reasoning from data and evaluating conclusions with evidence, as they progress through the three major content areas featured on the GED® test: