The Rescue Series is aimed at girls and boys who need to learn to read and spell alternative vowel spellings. With 16 full-color pages in each book, and a wonderfully resourceful heroine at its core, this series will engage older readers ages 8-14. Starting with the sound ae' , each of the ten books in the series introduces a phoneme and its alternative spellings.
The Rescue Series follows the same phonic sequence as the Talisman Series and can be used in parallel. This series also includes a comprehensive 150 page reproducible workbook which contains reading, spelling and comprehension activities for each of the stories.
PHONIC SEQUENCE OF SERIES Ten books introducing alternative vowel spellings.
Book 1: ae' : ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey
Book 2: ee' : ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei
Book 3: oe' : ow, oa, oe, o-e, o
Book 4: er' : , er, ir, ur,or, ear
Book 5: ow oi' : ow,ou & oi, oy
Book 6: oo' : oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u
Book 7: ie' : igh, ie, i-e, i, y
Book 8: or' :or, ore, a, aw, awe, au, ar, al, ough
Book 9: air' : air, are, ear, ere, eir
Book 10: ar' : ar, a, al, au, ear
Class Specials contain 5 Sets of Books and 1 Reproducible Workbook.