How to Use Prompts to Initiate Behavior

Additional Components:
Instructional Book for Teachers and Parents
The first step in promoting new behavior is getting the behavior to occur so that it can be reinforced with praise, feedback, or other things the person values. One important way to initiate new behavior is to prompt it. Behavioral research has documented ways of making prompts work better at guiding behavior that teachers, parents, coaches, managers, and administrators want to promote. Of course, once the behavior occurs, it is necessary to reinforce or select it so that it continues to occur...

The first step in promoting new behavior is getting the behavior to occur so that it can be reinforced with praise, feedback, or other things the person values. One important way to initiate new behavior is to prompt it. Behavioral research has documented ways of making prompts work better at guiding behavior that teachers, parents, coaches, managers, and administrators want to promote. Of course, once the behavior occurs, it is necessary to reinforce or select it so that it continues to occur in the absence of prompts. If a prompt is well crafted, it can establish the behavior very quickly and easily. This book presents a program designed to help instructors and students to become more skillful in using this powerful instructional tool.

48 pages 6" x 9" Softcover


How to Manage Behavior Series includes:

PX7700WB How to Maintain Behavior
PX7697WB How to Motivate Others Through Feedback
PX7706WB How to Negotiate a Behavioral Contract
PX7699WB How to Plan for Generalization
PX7705WB How to Select Reinforcers
PX7692WB How to Teach Self-Control Through Antecedent Analysis
PX7695WB How to Teach Social Skills
PX7698WB How to Teach Through Modeling and Imitation
PX7696WB How to Use Group Contingencies
PX7707WB How to Use Planned Ignoring (Extinction)
PX7702WB How to Use Positive Practice, Self-Correction, and Overcorrection
PX7694WB How to Use Response Cost
PX7693WB How to Use Prompts to Initiate Behavior
PX7703WB How to Use Systematic Attention and Approval
PX7704WB How to Use Time-Out
PX7701WB How to Use Token Economy and Point Systems

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How to Use Prompts to Initiate Behavior