Hands On Science Series

Interest Level:
5 – Adult
Reading Level:
4 to 6
Additional Components:
Reproducible Resource Books
Science comes alive with these 96 page reproducible teacher books! This captivating series covers life science, physical science, earth and space science and conforms to the latest National Science Education Standards, as well as Benchmarks for Science Literacy. With thirty engaging activities in each book, your students will enjoy learning as they expand their skills in scientific inquiry, observation, and critical-thinking. Teacher pages precede each activity and give you background...
Science comes alive with these 96 page reproducible teacher books!

This captivating series covers life science, physical science, earth and space science and conforms to the latest National Science Education Standards, as well as Benchmarks for Science Literacy. With thirty engaging activities in each book, your students will enjoy learning as they expand their skills in scientific inquiry, observation, and critical-thinking. Teacher pages precede each activity and give you background information, a list of materials needed, suggested time allotment for each activity, special notes about student ability level and grouping options, and assessment rubrics.
Reproducible student pages present background information for the student, the activity, and follow-up questions.

Contents Include: Observing the properties of water: How do ships float?, When can water carry an electric current?, How does water act like a lens?, Investigating life in a pond, How can you make your own cloud?, What makes up a water molecule?, Plus 14 more challenging activities!

Light and Color
Contents Include: What is the nature of light?, How can we separate pigments?, How do different materials affect the absorption of light?, How does light affect light-sensitive chemicals?, How is white light separated into colors?, How can we design and construct a fun house mirror?, Plus 14 more challenging and fun activities!

Contents Include: Finding arthropods: the backyard laboratory, Brine shrimp: determining the optimum salt water concentration, The web of death: a spider_x0019_ s trap, Incomplete metamorphosis: a cricket_x0019_ s life cycle, Adaptations: how insects escape, Insect pests: the tent caterpillar, Plus 14 more interesting and entertaining activities!

Atmosphere and Weather
Contents Include: The state we_x0019_ re in: Air is a gas!, What is weather?, Lightning!, Convection: temperature differences and the motion of air highs, lows, and winds, The greenhouse effect, The reasons for seasons, Plus 12 more fascinating activities.

Contents Include: Which way will the roots grow?, Which color of light prevents chlorosis in geranium plants?, How is the glucose content of a potato related to its use? Where did the colors come from?, Which part of a celery stem carries the water upward?, Can Venus_x0019_ s-flytraps be grown hydroponically?, Plus 15 more engaging activities!

Nutrition, Mind and Body
Contents Include: Seeing can be deceiving! Parts I and II, Can eating ice cream be painful?, What parts of the body are involved in maintaining balance?, How much water does a popcorn kernel contain?, Milk, hotdogs, and nutritional math, A matter of taste _x0013_ Component I, taste buds; Component II, smell; Component III, irritants, Measuring lung volumes using balloons, Plus 9 more fascinating activities.

Force and Motion
Contents Include: Vectors 1: Making vectors, Vectors 2: Adding vectors, Velocity and acceleration, Newton_x0019_ s 1st Law: Inertia, Newton_x0019_ s 2nd Law: F=ma, Newton_x0019_ s 3rd Law: Action/reaction, Friction, Earth_x0019_ s gravity, Electrostatic and magnetic forces, Plus 8 more challenging activities.

Our Solar System
Contents Include: The scale of the solar system: How big are the planets?, The scale of the solar system: How far apart are the planets?, The shape of planetary orbits, Retrograde motion: The planets move backwards?!, Phases of the moon, Comets: Dirty snowballs, Meteor showers: Fireworks in the sky, Seasons on other planets, Planetary compositions: rock vs. gas, The Foucault Pendulum: Proof of the earth_x0019_ s rotation?, Plus 8 more intriguing activities.

Abc's of Chemistry
Contents Include: Measuring heat from a candle, Making soap, Making a simple battery, Factors effecting the speed of a reaction, Separating mixtures, Properties of acids, How antacids work, Plus 12 other engaging and memorable activities.

Electricity and Magnetism
Contents Include: Electricity, Exploring magnetic fields, Series circuits, Conductors and insulators, Creating electricity from ice water, Electroplating, Plus 10 additional activities that are sure to add excitement and interest to your lab.

Rocks and Minerals
Contents Include: Crystal structure of salt, Mineral tests, Hardness, Mineral identification, Rock Types, Weathering rates of rocks and minerals, Using rock to examine geologic history, Fossils, Plus 9 other fascinating activities.

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Hands-on-Science Special (12 Books)