Expeditions in Your Classroom: English Language Arts

Interest Level:
Gr. 6–Adult
Reading Level:
Gr. 6–8
Additional Components:
Reproducible Student Activities
Project-based learning with real-world problemsIn Expeditions in Classroom: English Language Arts for Common Core State Standards, Grades 6-8, explore the lives of teenagers from previous centuries, develop a brochure about your ideal college, and create content for an online magazine.Middle school students love the excitement of projects. Teachers love that project-based learning pulls together new information, skills, and technologies. Expeditions helps your students address real problems...

Project-based learning with real-world problems

In Expeditions in Classroom: English Language Arts for Common Core State Standards, Grades 6-8, explore the lives of teenagers from previous centuries, develop a brochure about your ideal college, and create content for an online magazine.

Middle school students love the excitement of projects. Teachers love that project-based learning pulls together new information, skills, and technologies. Expeditions helps your students address real problems with real people, all while incorporating creative reading and writing, visual presentation, and literature.

  • 10 separate projects, from “Making History” to “You're the Playwright”
  • 10–12 hours per project (prep, homework, and activities)
  • Correlated to Common Core State Standards
  • Extensive teacher support included

In Expeditions in Your Classroom: English Language Arts for Common Core State, Grades 9-12, create a 10-minute multi-voice monologue, writing a pilot for a radio program, and pitching the idea for a box-office hit. These are some of the engaging projects

High school students love the excitement of projects. Teachers love that project-based learning pulls together new information, skills, and technologies. Expeditions helps your students address real problems with real people, all while incorporating creative reading and writing, visual presentation, and literature.

  • 10 separate projects, from “Comic Literature” to “Junior Scientist Magazine”
  • 10–12 hours per project (prep, homework, and activities)
  • Correlated to Common Core State Standards
  • Extensive teacher support included
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Expeditions in Classroom: English Language Arts (Grades 6-8)
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Expeditions in Classroom: English Language Arts (Grades 9-12)