Daily Academic Vocabulary

Interest Level:
Gr. 2–8
Reading Level:
Gr. 2–6
Additional Components:
Reproducible Workbooks
Improve students vocabulary!Common practices for teaching vocabulary—looking up words in the dictionary, drawing meaning from context, and impromptu instruction—are important but cannot be depended upon alone to develop the language students need for academic success. Vocabulary experts recommend a comprehensive vocabulary development program with direct instruction of important words. Daily Academic Vocabulary utilizes direct teaching in which students use academic language...

Improve students vocabulary!

Common practices for teaching vocabulary—looking up words in the dictionary, drawing meaning from context, and impromptu instruction—are important but cannot be depended upon alone to develop the language students need for academic success. Vocabulary experts recommend a comprehensive vocabulary development program with direct instruction of important words. Daily Academic Vocabulary utilizes direct teaching in which students use academic language in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Used consistently, it will help students acquire the robust vocabulary necessary for academic success. Students are introduced to the academic vocabulary words they need to perform well on classroom assignments and standardized tests. This research-based series contains 36 weeks of direct instruction on important words such as explain, create, solve, imagine, and improve that students encounter in many academic contexts and learning experiences. 195 reproducible pages plus downloadable resources with weekly words. Correlated to state standards and Common Core State Standards.

Item #
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Daily Academic Vocabulary Grade 2
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Daily Academic Vocabulary Grade 3
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Daily Academic Vocabulary Grade 4
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Daily Academic Vocabulary Grade 5
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Daily Academic Vocabulary Grade 6+