Amsco Algebra l Hardcover TextBook

Interest Level:
Gr. 8–Adult
Additional Components:
Textbook and Answer Key
Build conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency through short, focused instruction; step-by-step model problems, and relevant, real-world problems. Extensive problem sets provide an abundance of fluency practice, contextual problems, and performance tasks. Mathematical practices are imbedded throughout in student-friendly language.  The 376 page Softcover Teacher's Edition includes a wealth of teacher tools including enrichment activities, simulations, practice activities...

Build conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency through short, focused instruction; step-by-step model problems, and relevant, real-world problems. Extensive problem sets provide an abundance of fluency practice, contextual problems, and performance tasks. Mathematical practices are imbedded throughout in student-friendly language. 

The 376 page Softcover Teacher's Edition includes a wealth of teacher tools including enrichment activities, simulations, practice activities and assessments.

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Amsco Algebra l Hardcover TextBook
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Amsco Algebra l Softcover Teacher Edition
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Amsco Algebra l Hardcover TextBook Class Set (10 Texts + Teacher's Edition)