Wieser Educational
Show What You Know Common Core Reading/Math

Show What You Know Common Core Reading/Math

Item #: ML7001
Original Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $2.00
Interest Level:
Gr. 3–8
Reading Level:
Gr. 3–8
Student Workbook & Parent/Teacher Edition

A research-based program that uses workbooks as tools to teach students the skills needed to test well!

The Secret to Test Success

Combining These Three Elements Ensures Test Success

Knowledge is all the information a student has learned, both inside and outside the classroom, including his or her life experiences.

Test-Taking Skills are learnable skills and strategies that help students score higher on all types of tests.

Practice is knowing how a test is designed, what it measures, and how it looks.  Practicing on simulated tests improves test-taking skills, and builds students' confidence in their test-taking abilities.

Student Workbook Features:

Parent/Teacher Edition features:

Benefits to Teachers

Benefits to Students

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Item# Products Price
ML7003WB SWYK CC Reading/Math Grade 4
$ 14.99