Wieser Educational
Read for Content: Social Studies

Read for Content: Social Studies

Item #: AT7056
Sale Price: $65.00
Interest Level:
Gr. 6–Adult
Story Book and Reproducible Activties on PDF CDROM

120short stories about U.S. history, world history, and civics for secondary students practicing reading comprehension

Product Features:

Read For Content: Social Studies provides an easytoapproach reading opportunity for challenging nonfiction subjects. 120 important social studies topics support curricula in U.S. HistoryWorld History and Civics. An excellent resource for learning how to recognize facts and identify important ideas within reading material.

The extremely compact (200250 words each) onepage stories include key term definitions for difficult, but essential words. Each story includes multiple choice review questions plus a “Think About It” discussion question. A “Fact or Opinion?” review item helps students recognize opinions in social studies material.


Sample Topics

U.S. History: Cuban Missile Crisis, Silicone Valley, Wagon Trains

World History: King Tut, United Nations, Rise of AIDS

Civics: Rights of Juveniles, Social Security, Taxes

By Mike Baron. Covered spiralbound book, 276 pages, includes a PDF on Win/Mac CD with a classroom license for printouts, 2008. ISBN # 1578616670  

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Item# Products Price
AT7056WB Read for Content: Social Studies $ 65.00