Wieser Educational
Practical Arithmetic Series

Practical Arithmetic Series

Item #: GF1813
Sale Price: $6.99
Interest Level:
Gr. 5–Adult
Reading Level:
Gr. 3–4
Teacher Guides

Help students learn the arithmetic, computational, and consumer skills they need to succeed in school, and throughout their lives.

High interest is maintained, through real life examples and sample forms.

Only the Teacher's Guides remain for this series.

Money Makes Sense

Buying With Sense

Using Dollars And Sense

Working Makes Sense

Order Here

Item# Products Price
GF1813WB Money Makes Sense Guide $ 6.99
GF1816WB Buying With Sense Guide $ 6.99
GF1819WB Using Dollars and Sense Guide $ 6.99
GF1822WB Working Makes Sense Guide $ 6.99