Wieser Educational
Hands-On Math Series

Hands-On Math Series

Item #: WL7301
Sale Price: $30.00
Interest Level:
Gr. 9–Adult
Reading Level:
Gr. 6–8
Reproducible Student Activities

Students learn best when they “know math by doing math.”

The activities in this book are designed to enable students to discover math concepts through a hands-on approach. Many of the activities call for working in groups, to give students the support of others as they explore unfamiliar concepts; this also helps develop cooperative learning and communication skills.

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Item# Products Price
WL7301WB Hands-On Math: Pre-Algebra
$ 30.00
WL7302WB Hands-On Math: Algebra
$ 30.00
WL7303WB Hands-On Math: Geometry
$ 30.00
WL7304WB Hands-On Math: Data/Probability
$ 30.00
WL7305WB Hands-On Math: (4 Book Set) $ 105.00