Wieser Educational
Hands-on History / Geography Series

Hands-on History / Geography Series

Item #: ST1001
Sale Price: $29.99
Interest Level:
Gr. 3–Adult
Reading Level:
Gr. 3–6
Reproducible Student Workbooks

Increases assessment scores and student motivation!

Research is now validating what teachers have known intuitively all along: hands-on learning increases retention and understanding. By linking learning with experience, students are encouraged to remember information as part. Students enjoy hands-on activities, and when students are motivated they learn.


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Item# Products Price
ST1001WB Ancient Civilizations
$ 29.99
ST1002WB World History
$ 29.99
ST1003WB American History
$ 29.99
ST1004WB Geography
$ 29.99
ST1005WB Hands-On History Sample Set (One each of all 4 Books) $ 115.00