Wieser Educational
Expeditions in Your Classroom: English Language Arts

Expeditions in Your Classroom: English Language Arts

Item #: WL7211
Sale Price: $41.00
Interest Level:
Gr. 6–Adult
Reading Level:
Gr. 6–8
Reproducible Student Activities

Project-based learning with real-world problems

In Expeditions in Classroom: English Language Arts for Common Core State Standards, Grades 6-8, explore the lives of teenagers from previous centuries, develop a brochure about your ideal college, and create content for an online magazine.

Middle school students love the excitement of projects. Teachers love that project-based learning pulls together new information, skills, and technologies. Expeditions helps your students address real problems with real people, all while incorporating creative reading and writing, visual presentation, and literature.

In Expeditions in Your Classroom: English Language Arts for Common Core State, Grades 9-12, create a 10-minute multi-voice monologue, writing a pilot for a radio program, and pitching the idea for a box-office hit. These are some of the engaging projects

High school students love the excitement of projects. Teachers love that project-based learning pulls together new information, skills, and technologies. Expeditions helps your students address real problems with real people, all while incorporating creative reading and writing, visual presentation, and literature.

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Item# Products Price
WL7211WB Expeditions in Classroom: English Language Arts (Grades 6-8)
$ 41.00
WL7212WB Expeditions in Classroom: English Language Arts (Grades 9-12) $ 41.00