Wieser Educational
Common Core Language & Literacy Reading Collections

Common Core Language & Literacy Reading Collections

Item #: ST1751
Sale Price: $175.00
Interest Level:
Gr. K–5
Reading Level:
Gr. K–5
Student Readers

Help improve your students reading skills!

These grade appropriate collections, featuring a staircase of complexity, provide students with an opportunity to gain exposure to a wide range of appropriately compiled texts and support close reading as required in the Common Core State Standards. These books have been written and designed with content and text features that help students become successful at meeting Common Core expectations for languageand literacy including:

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Item# Products Price
ST1751WB Common Core Language & Literacy Readers Grade K $ 175.00
ST1752WB Common Core Language & Literacy Readers Grade 1 $ 315.00
ST1754WB Common Core Language & Literacy Readers Grade 3 $ 380.00
ST1755WB Common Core Language & Literacy Readers Grade 4 $ 305.00
ST1756WB Common Core Language & Literacy Readers Grade 5 $ 310.00